Results for 'Josse De Kock'

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  1.  13
    South Africa's second liberation: How to make reconstruction and development work.P. De Kock - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (3).
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    Hermann von Helmholtz's Empirico-Transcendentalism Reconsidered: Construction and Constitution in Helmholtz's Psychology of the Object.Liesbet De Kock - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (4):709-744.
    ArgumentThis paper aims at contributing to the ongoing efforts to get a firmer grasp of the systematic significance of the entanglement of idealism and empiricism in Helmholtz's work. Contrary to existing analyses, however, the focal point of the present exposition is Helmholtz's attempt to articulate a psychological account of objectification. Helmholtz's motive, as well as his solution to the problem of the object are outlined, and interpreted against the background of his scientific practice on the one hand, and that of (...)
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  3. Historicizing Hermann von Helmholtz’s Psychology of Differentiation.Liesbet De Kock - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (3).
    Nineteenth-century scientist Hermann von Helmholtz’s peculiar wavering between empiricism and transcendentalism in his philosophy of science in general, and in his theory of perception in particular, is a much debated and well-documented topic in the history and philosophy of science. This contribution aims at providing a fresh angle on this classical issue, by considering Helmholtz’s account of differential consciousness against the background of a centuries-old philosophical debate between the empiricist tradition and the tradition of transcendental idealism. By placing Helmholtz’s psychology (...)
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    Heidegger en de subjectiviteit van het subject.Liesbet De Kock - 2010 - de Uil Van Minerva 23 (4).
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    Het waarheidspreken als ethiek en levenskunst: Foucaults 'De moed tot waarheid'.Liesbet De Kock - 2012 - de Uil Van Minerva 25 (1-2):101-105.
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    Being and the Body.Liesbet De Kock - 2017 - Idealistic Studies 47 (1-2):59-82.
    The aim of this paper is to present an in-depth inquiry into one of the most disregarded dimensions of Fichte’s philosophy, i.e., the systematic place of embodiment in his transcendental epistemology. Highlighting the necessarily embodied nature of the constitution of the notion of thinghood or being in Fichte’s philosophy could not only help pave the way for a more elegant understanding of the relation between idealism’s and phenomenology’s subject views, it likewise enables a more comprehensive insight into Fichte’s much debated (...)
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    Over geweld: Slavoj Zizek, Geweld. Amsterdam, Boom, 2009, 208 blz., ISBN 978 90 8506 749 3.Liesbet De Kock - 2010 - de Uil Van Minerva 23 (2):131-133.
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    Helmholtz’s Kant revisited : the all-pervasive nature of Helmholtz's struggle with Kant's Anschauung.Liesbet De Kock - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56:20-32.
  9.  32
    Marc Slors over de vrije wil.Liesbet De Kock - 2012 - de Uil Van Minerva 25 (4):69-71.
    bespreking van: Marc Slors, Dat had je gedacht! Brein, bewustzijn en vrije wil in filosofisch perspectief, Amsterdam, Boom, 2012, 201 blz, ISBN 978 94 6105 7785.
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    Die teodiseevraag: 'n Antwoord vanuit 'n pastorale perspektief.Petri De Kock & J. H. Koekemoer - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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    WCC Study Docwnent 199' - Facing AIDS: The challenge - the churches' re-sponse.P. De Kock - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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    Die teenwoordige-So en die nomadiese ‘Tonneltoerusting by die lees van Breyten Breytenbach’.Petrus de Kock - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):280-297.
    In this article an attempt is made to develop a concept: the teenwoordige-So, which has a two-fold nature. On the one hand it grows from the philosophical dimensions of the work of Breyten Breytenbach, and on the other, once it is identified it can be used as a method for reading his work. But in order to determine the “environment” of the concept three main elements are investigated in this article. The first is the notion of the rhizome, the second (...)
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  13. The present-as-such and the nomadic understanding of the world in the work of Breyten Breytenbach.P. De Kock - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):279-297.
  14. Constitutionality of the sentence of corporal punishment.P. F. P. De Kock - forthcoming - Nexus.
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    Sports, ethics, integrity and spirituality.Jan Tolleneer, An De Kock, Andreas De Block & Paul Schotsmans - unknown
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    Transforming the state away from the State? Radical social action and ‘minority attractions’ under scrutiny.Ian Liebenberg & Petrus de Kock - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):195-208.
    This review article situates the work Black Flame within a capita selecta of earlier publications on anarchism-syndicalism and radical thought. Schmidt and Van der Walt's contribution (2009) is a recent addition to political thought, theory and socio-economic practice within the broad stream of anarcho-syndicalism. Its treatment of anarchism and anarchist syndicalist groups in the workplace within an international context since the middle 1800s and the attempt to situate the debate in contemporary society are some notable features. The authors engage with (...)
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  17.  37
    Being together in youth worship: An empirical study in Protestant Dutch contexts.Ronelle Sonnenberg, Malan Nel, Jos De Kock & Marcel Barnard - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-10.
    In a qualitative empirical research project on youth worship, we discovered that 'being together' is primary quality of youth worship. This primary quality consists of at least four aspects. Firstly, community is celebrated through physical presence. More specifically, the physical presence of siblings plays an important part in the participation of youth in worship. Secondly, an empathetic and emotional aspect is essential for adolescents. 'Being together' in youth worship means being together in unity and trust and in equality, as kindred (...)
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  18. Genomics and Health Data Governance in Africa: Democratize the Use of Big Data and Popularize Public Engagement.Nchangwi Syntia Munung, Charmaine D. Royal, Carmen de Kock, Gordon Awandare, Victoria Nembaware, Seraphin Nguefack, Marsha Treadwell & Ambroise Wonkam - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):84-92.
    Effectively addressing ethical issues in precision medicine research in Africa requires a holistic social contract that integrates biomedical knowledge with local cultural values and Indigenous knowledge systems. Drawing on African epistemologies such as ubuntu and ujamaa and on our collective experiences in genomics and big data research for sickle cell disease, hearing impairment, and fragile X syndrome and the project Public Understanding of Big Data in Genomics Medicine in Africa, we envision a transformative shift in health research data governance in (...)
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    Neuropeptide FF receptors are implicated in epileptic seizures.Portelli Jeanelle, Meurs Alfred, Bihel Frederic, Hammoud Hassan, Schmitt Martine, De Kock Joery, Humbert Jean-Paul, Bertin Isabelle, Utard Valerie, Buffel Ine, Coppens Jessica, Tourwe Dirk, Maes Veronique, Vanhaecke Tamara, Massie Ann, Boon Paul, Michotte Yvette, Bourguignon Jean-Jacques, Simonin Frederic & Smolders Ilse - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  20. F. Guilielmi de Rubione Venerabilis Admodum Patris & Theologi Facile Doctissimi Prouinci[a]E Aragonic[a]E Quondam Ministri. Disputatorum in Quatuor Libros Magistri Sente[N]Tiarum Tomus Prior Super Primum & Secu[N]Dum.Guilielmus de Rubione, Josse Badius & Peter Lombard - 1518 - Væundatur ... In Æibus Dicti Ascensii, Michaelis Conradi & Simonis Vincentii.
  21.  10
    Christelike wysbegeerte: standpunte en probleme.Pieter de Bruyn Kock - 1973 - Cape Town: Sacum Beperk.
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    Rostral and caudal prefrontal contribution to creativity: a meta-analysis of functional imaging data.Gil Gonen-Yaacovi, Leonardo Cruz de Souza, Richard Levy, Marika Urbanski, Goulven Josse & Emmanuelle Volle - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  23.  9
    Topografie der Einbildungskraft: (Re-)Lektüren aus dem Diskurs des Gedenkens.Sabine Kock - 2022 - Wien: Passagen Verlag.
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    Du droit budgétaire au droit des finances publiques : quelle place pour les nombres dans le droit financier public?Philippe Josse - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:371-381.
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  25. Neuere Deutungen von Aristoteles' de anima III 5.Michael Felix Köck - 1996 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 41:71-95.
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    Boe. De co[n]solatu ph[losoph]ico cu[m] co[m]mento sancti Thome r Ascensq́[ue].Josse Boethius, Thomas & Badius - 1500 - [S.N.].
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    Penser sa vie avec les philosophes: de Descartes à Nietzsche.Dominique Josse - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Que sais-je? Que dois-je faire? Que m'est-il permis d'espérer? " Ainsi s'interrogeait Kant. Preuve s'il en est que les philosophes ne sont pas des êtres désincarnés. Ce sont des hommes comme nous, ayant une famille, un métier, des engagements citoyens. Dans leurs écrits, ils nous parlent de nous, de ce que nous sommes et vivons. Leurs questions sont les interrogations existentielles auxquelles nous confronte le monde postmoderne consumériste, individualiste, relativiste et nihiliste. En revisitant la philosophie moderne, cet ouvrage nous invite (...)
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    Ontologische Begründung von Ethik durch Einheitserfahrung im Denken Plotins und Ghazalis.Ilona Kock - 2011 - Nordhausen: Bautz.
  29.  69
    Der Begriff Des Arguments: Über Die Beziehungen Zwischen Wissen, Forschen, Glauben, Subjektivitat Und Vernunft.Christian Kock - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (2):247-251.
  30. Une langue se construit.Joss Nordano - 1953 - Synthese 9 (2):123-124.
    Prave Nordano asertas ke planlingvo povas sukcesi nur, se ekzistas sociologia bazo por tia lingvo. Li opinias ke por tutmonda planlingvo tiu bazo mankas. Ekzistas tamen sociologia komunumo en Eŭropo, sed al tiu Eŭropo apartenas nek Britujo nek Ruslando. Oni do povas krei planlingvon sukcesan nur surbase de tiu limigita Eŭropo. Nordano skizas tian tuteŭropan lingvon klarigante la gvidajn principojn. La teoria fundamento de Nordano estas falsa, čar ankaŭ la angloj kaj amerikanoj apartenas al lo okcidenteŭropa komunumo. Krome li projektas (...)
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    Gesundheitsmanagement für (noch) gesunde Führungskräfte als Gebot von Wirtschaftlichkeit und Menschlichkeit.Tillmann Josse & Nossrat Peseschkian - 2005 - In Hermes Andreas Kick (ed.), Gesundheitswesen zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Menschlichkeit. LIST. pp. 10--247.
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    Eine Renaissance völkischen Denkens?Julian Köck - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (1):4-13.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 1 Seiten: 4-13.
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    Erkennen: Die Organisation und Verkörperung von Wirklichkeit: Ausgewählte Arbeiten zur biologischen Epistemologie.Humberto R. Maturana & Wolfram K. Köck - 1985 - Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
    Der Mensch ist fähig zu erkennen. Diese Fähigkeit setzt allerdings seine bio logische Integrität (Ganzheit, Unversehrtheit) voraus. Der Mensch kann außerdem erkennen, daß er erkennt. Erkennen (Kognition) als basale psychologische und somit biologische Funktion steuert seine Handhabung der Welt, und Wissen gibt seinen Handlungen Sicherheit. Objektives Wissen scheint möglich, und die Welt erscheint dadurch planvoll und vorhersagbar. Und doch ist Wissen als Erfahrung etwas Persönliches und Privates, das nicht übertragen werden kann. Das, was man für übertragbar hält, nämlich objektives Wissen, (...)
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  34. De Kock, J., - Bossaert, W., The Morpheme. [REVIEW]P. Swiggers - 1981 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 43:197.
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    III. Anwendungsfelder und Umsetzung.Uwe Bleyl, Tillmann Josse & Nossrat Peseschkian - 2005 - In Hermes Andreas Kick (ed.), Gesundheitswesen zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Menschlichkeit. LIST. pp. 10--221.
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  36. Eine Renaissance völkischen Denkens?Julian Köck Scholar - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (1).
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  37. Virtus et voluptas représentations ambivalentes Des cinq sens dans Les stultiferae naves de josse bade (1501).Amea de Gendt - 2011 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 73 (2):303-332.
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  38. Marcus Tullius Cicero in Officijs. Marci Tullij Ciceronis Officio[Rum] Libri Tres. Liber de Amicitia. Liber de Senectute. Liber Paradoxorum. Cum Petri Marsi. Francisci Maturantij: Et Perq[Uam] Familiari Iodoci Badij Asce[N]Sij Explanatione. In Amicitia Vero Omniboni Eiusde[M]Q[Ue] Ascensij. In Senectute Martini Philertici: Et Asce[N]Sij. Adiunctis Preterea Co[M]Mentarijs Eiusde[M] Francisci Omniboni Et Ascensij in Vltimum Paradoxon: Quod Latinoru[M] Nullus Ad Hec Vsq[Ue] Tempora Ausus Est Enucleare. In Quo Pleraq[Ue] Que Per Eneam Pium Tam in Diligenti Castigatione: Q[Uam] Translatione Greci: Additamentisq[Ue] in Alios Co[M]Mentatores Omissa Fuerant. Et Alia Multa Que Falso in Alioru[M] Libroru[M] Titulis Et Frontispicio Promittebantur Addita Fuisse Comperiet Lector. Sed & Emendatissimam Tabulam Nicolai Cappusoti Per Folia Secreta[M] Et Historias Suis Locis Non Inuenustas Ab Hoc Minus Abesse Videbit Illius Emptor. Habes Amice Lector Hos Marci Tullij Ciceronis Libros Dilige[N]ter Recogn.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Benedetto Brugnoli, Pietro Marso, Francesco Maturanzio & Josse Badius - 1523 - [Simon Vincent?].
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  39. Cicero Cum Com[M]Ento Marsi: Francisci [Et] Ascensii. Marci Tullii Ciceronis ... De Officiis: Amicitia: Senectute [Et] Paradoxis.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Pietro Marso, Josse Badius, Simon Vincent & Johannes Thome - 1513 - Impensis Vero Symonis Vincent Ac Industria Johannis Thome.
  40. Les rapports de josse bade ascensius.Érasme Et Lefebvre D'étaples - 1948 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance: Travaux Et Documents 10:64.
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    The Birds Ausgewählte Komödien des Aristophanes. Erklärt Von Theodor Kock. Viertes Bändchen. Die Vögel. Vierte Auflage. Neue Bearbeitung von Otto Schroeder. Berlin: Weidmann, 1927. Pp. ii and 207. [REVIEW]W. Rennie - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (04):129-130.
  42. Josse Clichtove.Alison Holcroft - 1997 - In Jill Kraye (ed.), Cambridge translations of Renaissance philosophical texts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 247.
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    Multidimensionalidad y validez de la deliberación.Julder Gómez - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (32):11-36.
    Muchos problemas deliberativos son multidimensionales: los argumentos a favor y en contra de las soluciones propuestas apelan a valores que pertenecen a distintas dimensiones. Así, por ejemplo, los argumentos a favor de la propuesta de negociar para resolver el problema de un conflicto armado interno pueden apelar a la paz mientras que los argumentos en contra pueden apelar a la justicia. Esto hace posible que los interlocutores acepten las premisas de un argumento sin comprometerse con su conclusión y que lo (...)
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  44. À Maneira de Um Colar de Pérolas?André Porto - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1381-1404.
    This paper offers an overview of various alternative formulations for Analysis, the theory of Integral and Differential Calculus, and its diverging conceptions of the topological structure of the continuum. We pay particularly attention to Smooth Analysis, a proposal created by William Lawvere and Anders Kock based on Grothendieck’s work on a categorical algebraic geometry. The role of Heyting’s logic, common to all these alternatives is emphasized.
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    La aplicación de la doctrina del Public Trust en Estados Unidos: de la protección de los bienes comunes a la conservación del medio ambiente.Marcos De Armenteras Cabot - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 81:129-141.
    En la protección de los bienes comunes en Estados Unidos desde el siglo xix hasta la actualidad, la doctrinal del public trust ha jugado un papel determinante. Esta doctrina, heredera de la tradición jurídica romana, basa su estructura conceptual en una relación fideicomisaria entre agente y principal y fue inicialmente invocada para la salvaguarda de los bienes comunes de su cercamiento y privatización. Con el paso de los años, se ha transformado en un instrumento jurídico clave para la protección ambiental. (...)
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    Acercamiento de la filosofía a Santa Teresa: apunte bibliográfico.Enrique Rivera de Ventosa - 1982 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 9:265-278.
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    Subsidiariteit in de EU en verder.Ferdi De Ville & Jan Loisen - 2012 - Res Publica 54 (1):27-37.
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    Verstehen in Wort und Schrift: europäische Denkgespräche: für Manfred Riedl.Manfred Riedel & Harald Seubert (eds.) - 2004 - Köln: Böhlau.
    Mit dem vorliegenden Band wird Manfred Riedel, ein Schuler von Ernst Bloch, Karl Lowith und Hans-Georg Gadamer geehrt. Er anerkennt zugleich ein philosophisches Lebenswerk, das sich nicht an ferne utopische Ziele verlor, sondern mit dem historischen Leidensweg des geteilten und seit 1990 geeinten Deutschland untrennbar verbunden ist. Widergespiegelt wird das breite Spektrum seines philosophischen Denkens, das von der Lehre einer zweiten, praktischen Philosophie uber die Geschichtsvisionen einer Burgergesellschaft in Antike und Neuzeit zu der Gewichtung einer akroamatischen - das Horen auf (...)
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    Ordenação moral de mundo e justificação da existência na metafísica de Schopenhauer.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):255-282.
    Resumo: Arthur Schopenhauer ficou conhecido como o pensador do “pessimismo filosófico”. Tratase de uma doutrina que, em linhas gerais, apresenta uma determinada interpretação acerca do valor do mundo, mas que, em seu sentido ainda mais básico, questiona a possibilidade de atribuição de valor ao todo da existência: há “justificação” para a existência? A partir da resposta a essa pergunta, o filósofo alemão desenvolve sua “metafísica da vontade” e, como seu desdobramento, sua teoria da “redenção”, ou soteriologia. Entretanto, o “filósofo do (...)
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    Vivências de uma atividade docente sobre violência no espaço escolar no Curso de Extensão em Gênero, Raça e Diversidade Sexual/ ODEERE - UESB/BA.Claudia Moreira Costa, Marcos Lopes De Souza & Rita de Cassia Santos Côrtes - 2016 - Odeere 1 (1).
    O relato de experiência a que este texto se refere provém do módulo intitulado Violência no Espaço Escolar, do Curso de Extensão em Gênero, Raça e Diversidade Sexual/ODEERE. A partir de temas que envolvem raça/etnia, gênero, e sexualidades, foram promovidos debates relacionados a preconceitos e discriminações que se manifestam no espaço escolar voltados para o racismo, sexismo e à homo-lesbo-bi-transfobia. O desenvolvimento da proposta didática pautou-se na abordagem qualitativa à luz da dialética, com o intuito de problematizar incômodos prescritos pelo (...)
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